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We help in-house innovation teams prove themselves.

Does this sound familiar?

Your organization interacts with its customers through an ancient website, or paper forms, or lengthy phone calls. They hired a team to modernize that process, and put you in charge. You’re overwhelmed.

You’re starting to realize how much more there is to your job than building great software. For every new product you launch, you need to convince your colleagues to use it. Then you need to teach them how to do so. That’s not an engineering project. It’s a cultural transformation project.

You’re not sure you can accomplish that with your current resources. Your team isn’t cheap, but at some point you’ll need to ask for a bigger budget anyway.

The problem is you can’t expand until you get your own house in order. Your digital team is still figuring out how to work together. You haven’t fully hammered out your product development process. Your bosses are excited about what you’ve done so far, but it’s mostly small pilot projects. You haven’t truly proven your value.

What you need are some big wins. To get leadership to invest in your real mission, transformative culture change, they need to see a success story or two.

We help you get those success stories.

Who’s “we?”

Final Final V2 Revised LLC was started by Josh Rubenoff, a product designer, copywriter, and UI developer.

Josh spent the first decade of his career working in-house, helping to modernize highly complex industries like healthcare and government. In 2020, he went independent so he could bring those skills to you.

Don’t take my word for it

In many ways, Josh represents a unicorn designer. Someone who can come into a project, understand the business, self-manage and calibrate to meet a deadline, and execute to produce quality work and results. We were beyond thrilled with Josh's contributions to the project... we would not have had the success we did without him.
—Seth Suntha, Director of User Experience Design, Pacific Life
I can confidently vouch for Josh's exceptional talent, dedication, and reliability. It was a true pleasure to work with him.
—Shelby Drayton, State of California Office of Data and Innovation
Josh has the ability to execute at the highest level while helping to architect the processes and culture that are the foundation of a great company. I'd jump at the chance to work with Josh again.
—Josh Goldstein, Department of Better Technology
From day one of our first project together, it was clear we made the right choice. Josh elevates our work to an unexpected degree.
—Matthew Thornton, is + at

My approach

Dive deep into your field

Your design partner should actually understand the work you do. So I kick off each project by absorbing as much as I can about your industry.

I have a knack for doing so quickly and comprehensively. Sometimes I even teach you something new about your field.

Get the whole team talking

If you want to deliver a great experience, all your stakeholders need to collaborate. But conflicting incentives, entrenched team cultures, and office politics can make this tough.

I’m comfortable navigating these issues and facilitating sensitive conversations with your colleagues. I help you identify common ground and strategize around how to gain buy-in.

Value over ego

On top of researching your field, I conduct extensive interviews with your stakeholders and customers. From there, I help you identify where we can make the biggest impact.

This research will motivate every design decision we make together. Of course I care deeply about aesthetics, but I always place your needs above my own preferences.

Excellence in small steps

It can be hard to break up ambitious projects into small pieces. It can be harder to identify which pieces are most important to work on first.

I can help guide your team through a modern, iterative product development process. We’ll identify the smallest project we can start with that will add value and spark conversation.

Start with plain language

If your industry uses a lot of jargon, plain language is essential. Your customers might be able to decipher terms specific to your industry. Their assistants and interns might not.

I’m passionate about breaking down complex topics into plain language. It helps others understand your work. It also helps me simplify your design.

Prototype in the browser

Mockups look nice. But they can’t fully capture what your users will experience. A user’s device, web browser, or viewing context can drastically change how users interact with your brand.

That’s why I try to move to HTML / CSS prototypes as early as possible. It gives us a shared understanding of what your audience will see. It also minimizes miscommunication between design and development.

Design for everyone

I prioritize accessibility and performance in all of my work. It’s a moral imperative for me and a strategic advantage for you.

An accessible site helps you reach the broadest possible audience. A fast website helps you reach visitors with poor connections, improve your SEO, and increase conversion rates.

Set you up for success

I know our project can only be successful if you can build upon it long after I’m gone. So I take pains to make our handoff smooth.

I’ve worked remotely for over a decade, so I’m skilled at rigorously documenting my work. I’ll give you written explanations, detailed screencasts, annotated code, or a mix of all three.

Want to work together?

Reach out